Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am on my way!

I am on my way!
1st... I am on my way to figuring out this blogging business. The only reason I even got back into it was because I stopped getting emails from Katy and wanted to read her blog. I figured out how to do the backgrounds and add friends (ok so that is a very Facebooky term). Whatever. I really don't see the need for all these different personal sites. I have a Facebook, Myspace, Blog, 2 emails, Youtube account, BYU page...
Am I forgetting anything? Oh yes... my brain. The only one I know how to use decently is Facebook and recently even that has become difficult.
Moving along. I'm on my way to take 4 tests before Friday. I just wrote 4 spanish papers and did my online physical science vocab test. It is going to be a long, sleep-free week. However, after all the school junk I will be on my way to Vegas to see Jason! Woohoo!
I'm on my way to being a fluent bilingual spanish speaking Panamanian American. That is right. I am busting my buns to learn Spanish! Pienso que necesito ir a dormir.
Estoy en mi manera. Adios.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Yay Nikki! I have started blogging because I am really terrible at keeping a journal, and I don't want to forget things that are important to my life now. It will be fun to keep in touch this way :)

P.S Hey, you know the girl who went to the Jason Mraz concert with you, Victoria Geddes. She is Ben's second cousin :) small world!