Monday, November 17, 2008

Back from Concert #5 in Vegas.

You know you have a problem when you can be nit picky about things in a concert because you've seen the artist enough times to know something is wrong.
This weekend Amanda, Alicia, Paul, his girlfriend Victoria, and I went to see Jason Mraz at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas. Of course, Jason is amazing, he'd have to try to suck. However, I think the tour is wearing on him because he was chugging stuff for his throat and not belting it like usual. Since I just saw the same show about two weeks ago in Salt Lake I noticed a huge difference in the songs played and the way he sang them. However, that is the extent of complaints about the show because what I love about Jason is that even when he's losing his voice he can still play a killer show. He gives 110% for his fans. It was general admission and I was standing right in front of his mike!
Some of these pictures are from my phone so they arent the best resolution.

I am sad that the next thing I have to look forward to is my work managers meeting in February. But hopefully we can see him again next year when the hype of his popularity comes down and we can go back to those amazing shows like San Fran that have small audiences and he plays his old stuff. Gotta love Jason <3


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am on my way!

I am on my way!
1st... I am on my way to figuring out this blogging business. The only reason I even got back into it was because I stopped getting emails from Katy and wanted to read her blog. I figured out how to do the backgrounds and add friends (ok so that is a very Facebooky term). Whatever. I really don't see the need for all these different personal sites. I have a Facebook, Myspace, Blog, 2 emails, Youtube account, BYU page...
Am I forgetting anything? Oh yes... my brain. The only one I know how to use decently is Facebook and recently even that has become difficult.
Moving along. I'm on my way to take 4 tests before Friday. I just wrote 4 spanish papers and did my online physical science vocab test. It is going to be a long, sleep-free week. However, after all the school junk I will be on my way to Vegas to see Jason! Woohoo!
I'm on my way to being a fluent bilingual spanish speaking Panamanian American. That is right. I am busting my buns to learn Spanish! Pienso que necesito ir a dormir.
Estoy en mi manera. Adios.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Catching up on my correspondence with

Since the last time I wrote was in March I am sure that no one reads this anymore. However, since Sara has been urging me to help connect our high school friends through blogging with Sister Katy Pokey I figured I better write. However, if I'm going to get into this I will need to figure some basic blogging techniques out!
Some help please:
1. How do I connect with other bloggers?
2. How do I make a cute background?
3. How do I send updates?

In other news, school is hard yet rewarding, church is great, work is getting busy with early holiday shoppers, and Obama is now our president. I'm feeling pretty good about life.